Body Piercing by Lola Slider

Lola Slider, piercer
-Association of Professional Piercers business member
-United Kingdom's Association of Professional Piercers member
Lola is a UK based piercer that splits her time between PBA and her home studio. Browse availability via our booking portal.
Get notifications on Lola's upcoming availability by adding your info to this form.
Next availability: February 28th - March 1st 2025.
Specialties: paired nostrils, high nostrils, intimate piercing (particularly for individuals with intact anatomy).
Personal favorites: bridge piercings, septum piercings, ear curation, bright vibrant gem stone options. ​
Lola offers services for teens 14+ and adults.

Lola Slider is a UK based piercer from Scotland and has been piercing for over ten years. Lola Slider owns and operates Forest Piercing in Glasgow and shares her time with PBA. Lola is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (A.P.P.) and the United Kingdom's Association of Profesisonal Piercers (UKAPP). ​
Lola was the first member of the APP in all of Scotland. In addition to being a member of the UKAPP, Lola was also previously on their board of directors serving as medical liaison and also as their president. Lola frequently attends international piercing conferences as an attendee and an instructor, having instructed at conferences in the UK, Germany, Spain, and the United States.
Lola offers a wide variety of body piercing services, but like the rest of the staff at PBA she is well versed in the more rare services. Lola is an expert with piercings requiring careful placement such as intimate piercings, high nostrils, and various piercings done in pairs and sets.
Lola was issued a work visa for the US in late 2024 and travels over as often as possible. Since Lola still owns and operates her studio in Glasgow she is only available at PBA in Nashua for limited dates. You can browse our booking portal any time, or you can feel free to add your info and requests to this web from to be notified of her upcoming availability.
You can contact Lola via email at: forestpiercingenquiries@gmail.com or through our contact page.
What makes PBA different?
Scroll through the slideshow to find out.

Our work space was designed to be clean, comfortable, and professional.

We only use internally threaded or threadless jewelry at Precision Body Arts. We don't cut corners on your jewelry.

Piercing guns have been banned in the State of New Hampshire for ear cartilage and body piercings due to their increased risk of infections, scarring, and tissue damage. Have your piercing done at PBA and experience a faster and easier healing process.

Our work space was designed to be clean, comfortable, and professional.
What is the Association of Professional Piercers?
The Association of Professional Piercers (APP) is an international health and safety organization. It is a nonprofit voluntary alliance dedicated to the dissemination of information about body piercing.
Membership in the APP requires the exclusive use of high quality internally threaded or threadless jewelry, as well as meeting high standards in sterilization and safety practices. For more information please visit the APP online at www.safepiercing.org.